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Funny R6 Pics Funny R6 Siege Pics

  • Kapkan's Operator Video features him casually sitting behind a glass door, fiddling with a bolt in his hands, while several terrorists breach the doors on the other side of the glass. Not seeing anything, the terrorists take a moment to regroup before trying to open the door Kapkan is behind. But, as Kapkan's narration explains (while this music plays in the background), the terrorists have already made their last mistake...
  • Tachanka's Operator Video sees him ready his DP-28 Degtyarev while a soft rendition of "Kalinka" plays. As he starts shooting his gun, it rises in tempo, until it comes to a crescendo of crazy camera angles with an Ethereal Choir kicking in. All the while, Tachanka's just shooting around an empty room. Then Tachanka stops shooting, and the music cuts out, with Tachanka leaning on his mounted gun and bobbing his head. You can practically hear him going "Yup, I'm badass."
  • Smoke's Operator Video verges deep into Black Comedy territory - the video has Smoke stomping through a room filled with his Deadly Gas, with all the terrorists killed by said gas, while Smoke has ominous Vader Breath. His narration has him sarcastically answer a question of "What's in the canister?" with "I could tell ya, but then I'd have to kill you" - only to then laugh, and say he was just "mucking about" with that answer, before saying it's "best not to ask" what the gas is made of anyways.
  • On a similar Black Comedy level, Thatcher's Operator Video has a terrorist who wired an entire room full of bombs, his finger inches away from the detonator. Thatcher rolls an EMP grenade at the terrorist's feet, and cuts out the lights to the room along with the bombs. The terrorist desperately tries to hit his detonator, only for it to uselessly "click", before getting unceremoniously shivved by Thatcher's combat knife.
    • It also helps that Thatcher's thick accent has achieved memetic status among the Siege community:
  • Warden's Operator Video is so overly out of place compared to most of the others, being highly stylized and more than a little abstract, which, combined with Warden's gadget setup, his outfit, and the backing track, has inevitably led to comparisons with James Bond and Kingsman.
  • One of Dokkaebi's gadget special abilities boils down to weaponized spam dialling. She hacks the other team's cell phones once she hacks the phone of a downed Defender, which lets her access the other Defender's phones and calls all of them to give away their location while also locking their touchscreens. The affected Defenders have to waste a few precious seconds trying to shut their phone off, which for said Defender consists of an animation where they frantically try to scroll their locked screens, only to shut the thing off in frustration.
  • Rook was born in the French city of Tours. Which is pronounced like "Tour", which, depending on the context, means either Tower or Rook.
  • During the fourth Outbreak video, while Ash is briefing Tachanka on the meteor that crashed to Earth, bringing with it an alien virus that's causing people to mutate into hostile monsters, you can see that he's on his phone, looking at old Russian guns for sale on Express Merch, an eBay/Amazon knockoff.
    • And then Ash reveals that Boyd, the outbreak's Patient Zero, was trying to sell the source of the outbreak on the same site.
    • In a bit of Ascended Meme, Ash casually calls Tachanka "your highness."

      Tachanka: Coincidence?
      Ash: No. He was trying to sell it online. This is why I called you, your highness.
      Tachanka: Soviet. Very old. Wait...I'm Russian, so I'm supposed to know something about it?

  • Earlier, during her briefing with Thermite, he nearly screws up tinkering with the charge.
  • Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Lord Tachanka Bundle
  • There are several images of Tachanka which are humorous enough on their own. One is a picture of Tachanka with his chest bare, flexing. Another one is of Tachanka posing seductively with a glass of wine.
  • Downing, but not killing, the hostage in custom matches after the first one changes the penalty label from "Civilian Casualty" to "You Monster!". It also adds an additional 100 points penalty to the player each time this happens.
  • And then there's...Rainbow is Magic for April Fools' 2019. The fact that Ubisoft even decided that this was worth effort is hilarious. It's a modified Hostage mode on the Presidential Plane map...except it's, 'in-universe', played in the children's room of House, meaning brightly-coloured Operators, cutesy imagery, and overall absurdity, including the Hostage being replaced by what is effectively a god-damn teddy bear (aptly named Mr. Bear).
    • And the best part? Four of the Operators involved get extra cutesy, with Smoke getting what is effectively a tactical fursuit, and Tachanka...well, he is a unicorn with an ice-cream cone on his helmet.
    • Putting aside the sickening-saccharine aesthetic, the audio for this mode is downright hilarious. The music is childish, all Operators talk in Helium Speech, guns shoot confetti and chiming stars, and so on. The announcer arguably takes the cake, as she comes across as a kids' show host with her happy, sing-song lines:

      (Retrieving Mr. Bear): Now run Mr. Bear! With your stubby little legs!
      (Killing Mr. Bear): Mr. Bear has gone into permanent hibernation...
      (All enemies killed): The big 'ol meanies have been vanquished! / There are no more bullies to hurt Mr. Bear!
      (All friendlies killed): The little Rainbow friends had failed... likely disappointing their parents. / The friends were stopped by those mean meanies.

  • Oryx, full stop. He has no gadgets and can literally run through walls. Naturally, lots of fans joked that he is Rainbow's answer to the Kool-Aid Man after his reveal.
  • Echo's operator bio. While all of them include an analysis of the character's gadget, his has several comments from Echo himself and other operators, including this gem:

    Echo: I'm all for working late nights in a state-of-the-art lab but since the cafeteria started including katsudon (!!!) I think Mira doesn't want me to go home at all.
    Mira: :D

  • The Sugar Fright event for Halloween 2020. Everyone gets ridiculous puppet heads, there's massive pieces of candy and cake everywhere, and the entire scenario is Frost having an insane dream from eating too much candy.


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